Code of Conduct


The school has a code of conduct to be followed strictly by the students.

  • Students are expected to maintain the official timings, wear clean and neat uniform and come to school in time.
  • Students are expected to be honest, truthful, loyal, orderly and obedient.
  • Students are responsible to look after their belongings, books, umbrella, raincoat, lunch boxes, etc.
  • Students should not bring cell phones, unreasonable amount of money, valuables to the school.
  • The school is not responsible if books, clothes or other articles are lost by the students in the school.
  • The principal’s written permission is required in the following cases. To make collection for any purpose, whatsoever, to arrange for a meeting, a party, a picnic etc; to leave the school premises during working hours, for any student to join a sports meet or to play a tournament outside the school.