Patron Saint Pope Pius X


Pope Pius X was born on 21st August, 1835 at Riese in Vennice, Austria.

Pope Pius X was a noble man, a good disciplinarian and a very eloquent speaker. He was a man of God who knew the unhappiness of the World and hardships of life and in the greatness of his heart wanted to comfort everyone.

Our Institution is dedicated to St.Pius X because of the coincidence of our establishment and his canonization in the year 1959.

His virtues:

Humility Simplicity Charity Fortitude Poverty

The Feast of our Patron Saint Pope Pius X is celebrated on the 21st of August every year with fervor and gaiety to instill the divine virtues of him in the minds of the students. All those who enter the threshold of this campus, experience the blessings, peace and tranquility of him and leave the campus triumphantly.